September 26 - October 9, 2021
Like many years in the past, Boyd Lake State Park was the camping trip we'd planned months before to be our last before winterizing and putting camping away for the winter. But we'd booked it before we knew we'd be living in a new motor home full time. So it turned into a bon voyage party, saying goodbye to friends and family before heading south for the winter.
Our site was lovely, and we had friends over to boat on the lake. Though it was October and the weather can be a bit temperamental at times, our weather was absolutely perfect.
Mike and Heather camped with us, and many other friends came to see us off at our "RV Warming" party. Joe, Matt, Libby, Michael, Robin, Ren, Brian, Miriam, Brett, Allie, Helen, and Gwendyl also came for the day on October 9th to see us off. It was the best party we've been to in a long time. We grilled steak and chicken, and everyone built burritos and tacos with sides. We were happy to see that a lot of people could fit in the motor home, and we had lots of seating outside, too.
Like always, we went to the parking lot at the end of our stay where we always winterized. The Millers got their trailer ready for the Colorado winter, while Margot and I visited. We had a lot to do to get ready for our trip south at the end of October. We had a few more gatherings with friends and family before we headed out. It was bittersweet, to leave everyone for a while, but we were also very excited to start our journey.