We’ve Moved to Texas!
Boating under a bridge

We’ve Moved to Texas!

Now that we live in a motor home every day of the year, we've been making decisions about our future. We don't own houses anymore, so where would we live? Our first thought was about where we'd be spending most of our time.

Monica works at least half of the year in Amarillo, Texas. The weather in Texas is awesome most of the year, unless it's in the middle of the summer heat. We knew we'd be spending quite a bit of time in Texas.

We have been touring parts of Texas just to make sure we liked it -- and we love it! It reminds us of Colorado here and there, a place we know and love because we've both spent so much of our lives there. Texas also has a lot of lakes (unlike Colorado), which is great because we own a boat. Texas is a great fit. So as of February 16th, 2022, we are official Texans!

We'd like to settle down in Texas once we can't deal with a big motor home anymore. Though we'll be living in the motor home as long as we can, we know it can't last forever. At some point, we'll be too old and frail to be able to do the tasks associated with RVing, so we'll need to buy a home and live out our days with less manual labor.

Parts of the Move

The trick was figuring out how to set our domicile to Texas. A domicile is like a residence, but it's considered to be a more permanent location. Luckily, we were already members of the Escapees RV Club, and they had a solution. They have a mail forwarding service so we can get our postal mail, and they are legally set up to allow you to use that mailing address as a domicile. We've set all of that up, so now we're Texans!

We've also moved all of our insurance to Texas, and changed all of our addresses to our new one. Next, we have to get vehicles inspected, register them here, and get driver's licenses. It's all of the usual steps you'd take to move. We hope to be done with all of the forms and inspections in the next week, by the end of February.

The Future

We will always love Colorado, and we'll always have friends and family there. We're still planning on spending a bit of time in the spring and/or fall of every year in the Denver area to visit and reconnect. We'd also like to spend some time each summer in the Rocky Mountains, because who wouldn't?

Texas is amazing, and we're hoping it gives our friends and family a new place to come visit. Come see us, y'all!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Congratulations on achieving your dream! Although Texas isn’t in our travel plans since our daughter moved from Austin, it’s still a beautiful place to visit, so who knows, maybe we’ll see you there, or on the road sometime.

    1. Thanks! I’m hoping we’ll get up your way at some point. Miss you!

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