2023 In Review

The year had some ups and downs because we lived in two, different motor homes. Though it derailed our spring plans a bit, we managed to get back on track…

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We Love You, Colorado

Denver Metro Area: September 4th through 15th, 2023 We are from Denver, so it's always good to get back to the area. Unfortunately, this trip also meant many trips to…

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2022 In Review

This was our first full year of full-time living in our RV, and it was amazing! Our friends and family are asking us if we're still glad we sold everything…

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Back in Colorado

July 4th through 18th, 2022 We'd spent a lot of time touring the midwestern and northern states, but we were looking forward to being back in Colorado. Monica lived in…

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Amazon Jungle, Peru

March 7-11, 2022 The last leg of our Peru trip was going to be in the Amazon jungle, staying right next to the Amazon River, and we couldn't wait. It…

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Machu Picchu, Peru

March 4-5, 2022 For a lot of us, the goal of our Peru trip was to see Machu Picchu. We'd already seen a lot of Peru, and we would spend…

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Cusco, Peru

March 1-3, 2022 After a great time in Lima at the start of Margot's Peru trip, we got on a plane and flew an hour and a half to Cusco…

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Lima, Peru

February 27-28, 2022 Margot's friends had an extra ticket for the trip of a lifetime -- a vacation in Peru to see Machu Picchu, the Amazon River, and other sights…

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