Boyd Lake State Park in the Spring

Boyd Lake State Park in the Spring

May 6th, 2021

We've been to Boyd Lake State Park before, many times. In fact, we were there in the fall of 2020, riding Segways and enjoying the last of the good weather in October. Monica had never seen the park without the yellow leaves and dried grass of past Octobers, so we decided to check it out in May of 2021.

As expected, we were treated to green trees and grass instead of dying things. We were expecting much higher water levels in the lake, but it wasn't much higher than it had been in previous autumns. Still, the water was great. Lacey is getting the hang of jumping off of the boat into the water, and she got some practice in. She's really getting her sea legs.

We won't be back in the spring

Unfortunately, the leaves of many of the trees were yellow (with color that stained) and very sticky. Lacey got them stuck in her hair and in between her paw pads, so she had to wear rain booties every time we took her for a walk. And they were on the bottoms of our shoes and basically everywhere. It was a mess. We'll stick to October for Boyd Lake from now on.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Looks like fun! Great pictures and I will definitely enjoy getting a glimpse into your world.

  2. I’ll admit that we take pictures and video but then don’t take the time we need to get them processed and put up on the site. So much in the queue! Thanks for visiting, my friend.

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